Aside from the main channel chosen, there are several common elements which are essential features for a successful, highly-impactful communication campaign. Here we explore some, but by no means all, of them. Some are fundamental, others are only suggestions which can be followed or not, depending on each specific case. You can combine the different elements, but you do not need to include them all!

Web and social media outlets are likely to take a more central position in communication campaigns. Anyone can create a Facebook page, a Twitter account or an Instagram profile etc., and start publishing content for free. Nevertheless, it takes more than this to stand out from the crowd and to develop a successful campaign.

Although web and social media have progressively overshadowed the other channels, developing a campaign on traditional media may present benefits which should not be overlooked. For example, traditional media may allow you to reach a wider, more diverse group of people, thanks for example to the already constituted audience of a TV or radio channel.

There is a great diversity of campaigns developed through public events and a multitude of possibilities for innovative and successful campaigns.